Does your Small Business need a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system?

Answer these 3 questions to find out.
QUESTION 1: How many clicks would it take you to get a clean, accurate customer list?
Right now, how many clicks (or how much time) would it take you to generate:
- An active list of customers.
- An active list of prospects.
- An active list of former customers.
Could you generate a clean list in two clicks or less?
If the answer is, ‘no’, you need a Client Relationship Management system.

QUESTION 2: Is there one central place for your marketing, sales, and customer success activities?
Right now, how many clicks (or how much time) would it take you to generate:
- A central dashboard of all of your marketing activities (spend, return on investment, leads) plus an actual lead’s record of activity.
- A central dashboard of all of your sales activities (deals, size of deal, close date) plus an actual opportunity’s record of activity.
- A central dashboard of all of your customer service activities (tickets, surveys, knowledge base activity) plus an actual customer’s record of activity.
Could you generate a Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success dashboard plus show an individual person’s record in two clicks or less?
If the answer is, ‘no’, you need a Client Relationship Management system.

QUESTION 3: Can you generate a Sales Forecast?
Right now, how many clicks (or how much time) would it take you to generate a Sales Forecast?
- Which Sales Opportunities are expected to close by when and by what amount?
- Being able to predict and plan for the future revenue of your business.
Could you generate a clean Sales Forecast in two clicks or less?
If the answer is, ‘no’, you need a Client Relationship Management system.

Do you need more help with CRM in your Small Business?
We can help you determine the right path to installing or optimizing a CRM in your business. Book a call with us to learn more.